
He was born in Barquisimeto (Lara State) in 1884 and died in the same city the 2 of November of 1961.

He studied in the Academy of beautiful Arts of Caracas and in the School of Arts and Offices and Beautiful Arts of Barcelona (Spain). It shares his youth in the province between the painter office and decorator of walls and certain adventures fleeting single-breasted uniform jackets. To the twenty years it concurs for the first time to a regional exhibition, in Lara, in which it obtains a prize and, thanks to him, it is transferred to Caracas in 1908 and one registers in the Academy of Beautiful Arts.

Awards: 1937: medal in the exhibition the International, National París; 1941: recompense of Painting, second Official hall; 1949: second prize Planchart Hall; 1950: First Prize Planchart Hall; 1952: Prize Antonio Esteban Frias, Official Hall; 1959: Prize Arming Reverón, Official Hall.